Devil’s Seaweed
Init (always last); +4 melee (1d4); AC 10; HD 1d8 per 5’ square;
MV 5’, swim 5’; Act 1d20 per 5’ square; SP half damage from slicing and
piercing weapons; SV Fort +6, Ref -8, Will -6; AL N.
When a wrongfully accused sailor is killed at sea and
his/her body is dumped overboard, a vengeful aura is left lingering at the
surface. This aura eventually grows in power and malice, creating an algae like
substance that floats, even on a raging ocean, and patiently hunts for
unwitting prey so it may grow stronger.
Devil’s Seaweed can be found anywhere where there is persistent
water. It can cover the hulls of passing ships, slowly eroding the wood or
metal, or wait in moats. Given enough time, Devil’s Seaweed can erode through
any natural element, eventually destroying bridges, penetrating walls, and even
sinking ships. Sailors have nicknamed these malicious magical plants “Rubbish
Gyres” for they can sometimes be found with remnants of their previous victims
floating atop their amorphous shape.
Roll 1d20 to determine what can be found in a Devil’s
1-10: Nothing
11-13: Bones
14-16: Mundane Armor/Weapon(s)
17-19: 1d30+10 gold
20: Ancient Relic, Message in a Bottle, Plot Device…
Devil’s Seaweeds are un-dead, and thus can be turned by
clerics. They are driven to consume all living things by primordial hatred and
can only grow when consuming life force. They will never attack anything
lifeless, unless it senses life inside. They do not need to eat, drink, or
breathe. As un-dead, they are immune to sleep, charm, and paralysis spells as
well as Will effects.
The list below details the rate at which Devil’s Seaweed
grows when life force is consumed.
Plants/Insects: Negligible
Creatures less than 1’ tall or weighing less than 5 lbs.:
5’ in 24 hours
Creatures more than 1’ tall: 5’ in 1 hour
Creatures more than 10’ tall or weighing more than 500
lbs.: 5’ in 10 secs.
When a creature is killed by the Devil’s Seaweed, its life force is automatically eaten. The above effects, however, happen gradually during the specified time. Whenever a Devil’s Seaweed grows, it heals 1d8 HD per 5’ square.
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