Last weekend, I was asked to put together a sort of introductory session into RPGs for some of my wife's friends. They wanted something sci-fi and since I am an avid Warhammer 40K Universe fan, I settled on Rogue Trader. I figured this system, as opposed to Total War or Deathwatch, would allow them more freedom.
Anyway, as I went to print out character sheets, there were only the infamous hyper detailed Fantasy Flight sheets that hate ALL PRINTERS. Finding no other decent printer friendly alternatives, I decided to create my own.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Noir RPG Character Sheet
I have yet to find a virtual copy of the character sheet for this old and pretty obscure role playing game by Archon Gaming, INC called "Noir".
This is the scan of the official character sheet found within the book.
Look for more Noir resources coming soon!
I have yet to find a virtual copy of the character sheet for this old and pretty obscure role playing game by Archon Gaming, INC called "Noir".
This is the scan of the official character sheet found within the book.
Look for more Noir resources coming soon!
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Inspiring Magic Cards: Loyal/Unhallowed Cathar and Thalia
The things that make Magic: The Gathering cards great is the artwork (which we love for both good and bad) and the flavor text. Even for those who do not read the expansive library spawned from Magic lore, these glimpses into the Magic multiverse can bring wonders to the imagination.
Many, if not all, of these cards can give direct influence into your role-playing games. Take Loyal Cathar for instance. For those who do not know what a Cathar is, he/she is a holy warrior of the Avacynian Church, trained on the Elgaud Grounds in Nephalia. Nephalia itself being prime real estate for the setting of any Gothic fantasy/Victorian age game.
Looking at the Loyal Cathar, he does not strike you as the archetypal paladin. Yet that does not make him any less fanatical than his armor clad peers; matching their vigilance, loyalty, and duty-til-death credos. The concept of the Loyal Cathar would be a fantastic as a alternative to a PC's paladin and/or a persistent presence in a campaign's plot. The card not only gives you a religious order to drop into your campaign, but two named characters and their dynamic. Constable Visil (who is only mentioned in this card), presumably a leader of a variably sized number of Cathars, and his mentor, Thalia.
The flip side of the Loyal Cathar is the Unhallowed Cathar, which happens whenever Loyal Cathar dies. You could take a The Walking Dead type zombie infestation, where anyone who dies turns into a zombie even if they were not previously bitten by a zombie, your campaign becomes suddenly more deadly and far less safe.
Though keeping in the mind the functionality of the card, where if your Cathar dies, he returns as a zombie under YOUR control, would the religious order have a way of controlling you even after you enter unlife? A sort of van Helsing type of "use their powers against them" type of operation?
Thalia herself has some great quotes besides those featured in the Loyal/Unhallowed Cathar flavor text:
"Grab an axe and defend the gate! Your despair is an extravagance we can ill afford."
"No one chooses to be stitched together into a skaab. If it could speak, it would beg for its own destruction."
"As long as we can utter a prayer or lift a weapon, we have the power to fight back."
"Holy places are no longer sanctuary from death, and death is no longer sanctuary from anything."
"Our world is vast, but Thraben is its heart. The cathedral must stand even if the hinterlands are lost."
Those are just some of her quotes featured on cards throughout this set. The devotion and haste to her words really bring the plight of the humans to life. Besieged on all sides by monsters of all sort, with only the Avacynian Church and the Loyal Cathars holding the flickering flame to the darkness.
Many, if not all, of these cards can give direct influence into your role-playing games. Take Loyal Cathar for instance. For those who do not know what a Cathar is, he/she is a holy warrior of the Avacynian Church, trained on the Elgaud Grounds in Nephalia. Nephalia itself being prime real estate for the setting of any Gothic fantasy/Victorian age game.
The flip side of the Loyal Cathar is the Unhallowed Cathar, which happens whenever Loyal Cathar dies. You could take a The Walking Dead type zombie infestation, where anyone who dies turns into a zombie even if they were not previously bitten by a zombie, your campaign becomes suddenly more deadly and far less safe.
Though keeping in the mind the functionality of the card, where if your Cathar dies, he returns as a zombie under YOUR control, would the religious order have a way of controlling you even after you enter unlife? A sort of van Helsing type of "use their powers against them" type of operation?
Thalia herself has some great quotes besides those featured in the Loyal/Unhallowed Cathar flavor text:
"Grab an axe and defend the gate! Your despair is an extravagance we can ill afford."
"No one chooses to be stitched together into a skaab. If it could speak, it would beg for its own destruction."
"As long as we can utter a prayer or lift a weapon, we have the power to fight back."
"Holy places are no longer sanctuary from death, and death is no longer sanctuary from anything."
"Our world is vast, but Thraben is its heart. The cathedral must stand even if the hinterlands are lost."
Those are just some of her quotes featured on cards throughout this set. The devotion and haste to her words really bring the plight of the humans to life. Besieged on all sides by monsters of all sort, with only the Avacynian Church and the Loyal Cathars holding the flickering flame to the darkness.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
DAMN #2 DCC Patron Submission: Anamman The Liminal
Anamman The Liminal
If Sezrekan is considered the wickedest of wizards ever to plague the Known World, then Anamman would be the kindest. According to the old stories, Anamman would wander the entire Known World followed by flocks of small rainbow birds that would eat all the flies and fleas plaguing villages, then die at their feet, plucked and plump. Many a songs are still sung about how tender and filling were these “Anamman roasts”.
A famous story is, late one night, a farmer heard something in his barn and upon investigating, he say Anamman hunched over a pregnant heffer, calming the mother and delivering the young calf. With the calf in his arms, Anamman turned to the farmer with a warm smile telling him that his calf would be a blessing unto the village. Indeed Anamman was right, for in the coming years, that calf, now grown tall and strong, provided the village with an unending supply of the sweetest milk.
Those who follow the teachings of Anamman are expected to put everyone and everything before themselves, for the betterment of all existence. Only those with a pure heart will receive Anamman’s aid.
Invoke Patron check results:
12-13: Anamman notices the struggle of the caster and bestows 1 luck point unto him/her.
14-17: Anamman sends a flock of insect-eating rainbow birds to help the caster in any way birds can. After 10 rounds, they fall to the ground, plucked and plump.
18-19: Anamman feels the caster’s kindness, granting either a +5 to the caster’s next spell check or an additional action as long as that spell or action is not harmful.
20-23: A warming aura surrounds the caster in a 50’ radius. All enemies within the aura are hit with a Charm Person spell as if it originated from the caster.
24-27: Anamman opens a doorway for the caster and up to 8 allies to a location 5d100 miles away. The caster cannot chose the location, but it will be a relatively safe place where Anamman feels they are needed.
28-29: Anamman appreciates the kindness the caster exhibits and grants a total of +10 to the caster’s next two spell checks, allocated as the caster sees fit as long as they are declared prior to casting. These spells cannot be harmful.
30-31: Anamman smiles down on the caster and any damage dealing action occurring within 500’ immediately stop doing damage for 2d6+2 rounds.
32+: Anamman invites the caster and surrounding allies into his Cottage in Limbo, his fabled place of rest. This Cottage in Limbo transports those affected into a warm, cozy, and peaceful cottage high in the mountains. Here, time stops and all wounds are healed, all worldly ailments cured and all natural hunger sated. The party may stay as long as they wish and leave through any door to any general place in the Known World.
Patron Taint: Anamman
When patron taint is indicated for Anamman, roll 1d6 on the table below. When a caster has acquired all six taints at all levels of effect, there is no need to continue rolling.
1: The caster feels the overwhelming need to give who have done wrong a second chance. If this result is rolled again, the caster feels the overwhelming urge to also give those who have done wrong to people he/she knows a second chance. If this result is rolled a third time, the caster feels the overwhelming need to also give those who wronged him/her a second chance.
2: The eternal kindness of the caster starts to show, aging him visibly 10 years. If this result is rolled a second time, add an additional 10 years. If this result is rolled a third time, add an additional 10 years plus the caster’s eyes turn into the softest, most inviting color of light blue.
3: The caster is overcome with the pacificity of Anamman, reducing his/her Strength by 1. if this result is rolled a second time, the caster becomes further involved in healing and counseling those in need, his/her Strength is further reduced by 1. If this result is rolled for a third time, no promise can keep the caster away from those in need and can only be motivated by those who need help. His/her Strength is further reduced by 1.
4: The caster develops a healing aura. Wherever the caster goes, natural life around him/her grow a little faster and a little taller, trees bear slightly larger fruit and animals grow slightly fatter. If this result is rolled again, the healing aura expands both in area and potency, entire villages notice the effects of the caster’s presence not even a week after the caster passed through. If this result is rolled a third time, the aura is so potent that even malicious natural life becomes slightly calmed after the caster has passed through.
5: Flowing with kindness, the caster feels obligated to donate 5% of his/her earnings to any cause of kindness he/she comes across. If this result is rolled again, this donation increases to 10%. If this result is rolled a third time, this donation increases to 15%.
6: There is a 1% chance that when the caster opens a gateway, the other side of the gateway is hundreds of miles away in a location that also has a gateway in the same plane of existence. This location may be random or discerned by Anamman as a place the caster needs to be. If this result is rolled again, that chance increases to 3%. If this result is rolled a third time, that chance increases to 5%.
Spellburn: Anamman
Anamman is always will to help those who do good, with any task to better the world. When a caster utilizes spellburn, roll 1d4 on the table below when a request is made.
1: The caster is transported to another plane, where time is significantly slower, to help with a menial task that could take hours. This task could be to help build a barn, dig for a well, plant a crop etc. as long as this task is for the betterment of existence. Upon completion of this task, the caster appears back on his/her native plane. No time seems to have passed and he finds him/herself weakened by whatever extent he/she sacrificed ability score points for spellburn.
2: If the caster is truly doing is betterment of someone/something, Anamman grants 2 points for every 1 point of attribute spent.
3: The caster is granted the spellburn bonus, but must succeed on a minor quest to better someone’s life in the next 1d4 weeks. This someone must not be an individual with which the caster has had contact and must have an issue that is at least a step above trivial. This issue’s solution must also be aligned with the principles of Anamman.
4: Calming peace envelops the caster, warming even his/her soul. The caster is granted a single DC 15 Will save; on a successful save the caster slumps onto the ground, weakened by the spellburn, but in a noticeably calm mood. On a filed save - in lieu of the spellburn - the caster is receives a +5 bonus to all spell checks for the next 1d6 rounds, yet for that duration, the caster perceives all to be friend.
Patron Spells: Anamman
Anamman eventually grants those who journey along the Path of Kindness three unique spells, as follows:
Level 1: Distant Door
Level 2: Extraplanar
Level 3: Tabula Rasa
Distant Door
Level: 1, Range: Varies, Duration: Varies, Casting Time: 1 action, Save: None
The caster summons his/her inner peace to commune with all planes of existence so that when a gateway is opened, it opens to a completely different place. The caster can specify a destination for his/her Distant Door spell if he/she has previously crossed the threshold of that gateway.
Roll 1d3: (1) The gateway opens with a blinding light to reveal its destination; (2) a gush of wind exits the gateway, carrying glittering particles and fat blue birds; (3) the gateway opens to a soundless, short, and dark tunnel with another gateway at the other end, which opens to the destination.
1: Lost, failure, and patron taint.
2-11: Lost and failure.
12-13: The caster steps through one gateway and emerges from another gateway up to 100 yards away.
14-17: The caster steps through one gateway and emerges from another gateway up to one mile away.
18-19: The caster steps through one gateway and emerges from another gateway up to 100 miles away.
20-23: The caster and up to 1d4+CL allies step through the gateway and emerge from another gateway up to 100 miles away.
24-27: The caster and up to 1d8+CL allies step through the gateway and emerge from another gateway up to 100 miles away.
28-29: The caster and up to 1d12+CL allies step through the gateway and emerge from another gateway up to 1,000 miles away.
30-31: The caster and up to CLx100 allies step through the gateway and emerge anywhere in the same plane. This spell remains active long enough for all allies to step through the gateway. Allies can be mounted on horses or even in boats provided the gateway is adjacent to a waterway.
32+: The caster and any number of allies can step through a gateway and emerge from another gateway on any plane. This spell remains active long enough for all allies to step through the gateway. Allies can be mounted on horses or even in boats provided the gateway is adjacent to a waterway.
Level: 2, Range: Self, Duration: Varies, Casting Time: 1 action, Save: None
The caster summons his/her inner peace to commune with all planes of existence in order to exist in either two planes at once.
Roll 1d3: (1) The caster becomes shadowy and his/her voice distant; (2) The caster becomes translucent and his/her voice hollow; (3) The caster’s appearance takes the form of the two planes he/she inhabits, such as appearing half as normal and the other half in clothing from a different time or half as normal half as fiery and amorphous.
1: Lost, failure, and patron taint.
2-11: Lost and failure.
12-13: Failure, but spell is not lost.
14-15: For the next 1d4+CL rounds, the caster gains +2 to all saving throws and AC. Also, whenever the caster takes damage, it is reduced by 1d4 but the caster’s damage is also reduced by 1d4.
16-19: For the next 1d6+CL rounds, the caster gains +4 to all saving throws and AC. Also, whenever the caster takes damage, it is reduced by 1d6 but the caster’s damage is also reduced by 1d6.
20-21: For the next 1d8+CL rounds, the caster gains +6 to all saving throws and AC. Also, whenever the caster takes damage, it is reduced by 1d8 but the caster’s damage is also reduced by 1d8.
22-25: For the next 1d10+CL rounds, the caster gains +8 to all saving throws and AC. Also, whenever the caster takes damage, it is reduced by 1d10 but the caster’s damage is also reduced by 1d10.
26-29: For the next 1d12+CL rounds, the caster gains +10 to all saving throws and AC. Also, whenever the caster takes damage, it is reduced by 1d12 but the caster’s damage is also reduced by 1d12.
30-31: For the next 1d14+CL rounds, the caster gains +12 to all saving throws and AC. Also, whenever the caster takes damage, it is reduced by 1d14 but the caster’s damage is also reduced by 1d14.
32-33: For the next 1d20+CL rounds, the caster gains +16 to all saving throws and AC. Also, whenever the caster takes damage, it is reduced by 1d20 but the caster’s damage is also reduced by 1d20. Additionally, since the caster’s anchor is so strong in both planes, he/she is granted one and half as many Action Dice as he/she would normally have (rounded up).
34+ For the next 1d30+CL rounds, the caster gains +20 to all saving throws and AC. Also, whenever the caster takes damage, it is reduced by 1d30 but the caster’s damage is also reduced by 1d30. Additionally, since the caster’s anchor is so strong in both planes, he/she is granted twice as many Action Dice as he/she would normally have.
Tabula Rasa
Level: 3, Range: Self, Duration: -, Casting Time: 1 action, Save: None
The caster summons his/her inner peace to commune with all planes of existence so that he/she may view and alter the very strings of life that bind everything to him/herself. By tieing broken strings and repairing those that have frayed, the caster can help existence better understand their actions. Note, if this spell is done with malicious intent, the rolled result is always a 1. Note note, if this detail altered is outlandish or inconceivable to the target, their memory will reject the change and maintain the original detail.
Roll 1d3: (1) Strings of light appear around each of the caster’s fingers, dimming the further they are from the caster; (2) the air around the caster shimmers and the caster’s form appears to waver as if it is a reflection atop water; (3) the caster’s eyes appear void and bottomless as he/she looks upon the entirety of existence.
1: Lost, failure, and patron taint.
2-11: Lost and failure.
12-15: Failure but the spell is not lost.
16-17: The caster can alter a single detail pertaining to him/herself in the mind of someone who they have only met once.
18-21: The caster can alter 1d3+1 details pertaining to him/herself in the mind of someone who they have only met once.
22-23: The caster can alter a single detail pertaining to him/herself in the mind of someone who they have met at most 5 times.
24-26: The caster can alter 1d3+1 details pertaining to him/herself in the mind of someone who they have met at most 5 times.
27-31: The caster can alter a single detail pertaining to him/herself in the mind of someone with whom the caster has constant contact.
32-33: The caster can alter 1d3+1 details pertaining to him/herself in the mind of someone with whom the caster has constant contact.
34-35: The caster can alter any amount of details pertaining to him/herself in the mind of any individual with whom they have had contact.
36+: The caster can alter any details pertaining to him/herself in the mind of anyone with which the caster has had contact.
Friday, January 10, 2014
CRAWL! DCC Monster Submission: The Devil's Seaweed
CRAWL!, a fanzine for DCC RPG, is currently looking for content with a maritime theme. I created the following monster and submitted it only a few minutes ago.
When a creature is killed by the Devil’s Seaweed, its life force is automatically eaten. The above effects, however, happen gradually during the specified time. Whenever a Devil’s Seaweed grows, it heals 1d8 HD per 5’ square.
Devil’s Seaweed
Init (always last); +4 melee (1d4); AC 10; HD 1d8 per 5’ square;
MV 5’, swim 5’; Act 1d20 per 5’ square; SP half damage from slicing and
piercing weapons; SV Fort +6, Ref -8, Will -6; AL N.
When a wrongfully accused sailor is killed at sea and
his/her body is dumped overboard, a vengeful aura is left lingering at the
surface. This aura eventually grows in power and malice, creating an algae like
substance that floats, even on a raging ocean, and patiently hunts for
unwitting prey so it may grow stronger.
Devil’s Seaweed can be found anywhere where there is persistent
water. It can cover the hulls of passing ships, slowly eroding the wood or
metal, or wait in moats. Given enough time, Devil’s Seaweed can erode through
any natural element, eventually destroying bridges, penetrating walls, and even
sinking ships. Sailors have nicknamed these malicious magical plants “Rubbish
Gyres” for they can sometimes be found with remnants of their previous victims
floating atop their amorphous shape.
Roll 1d20 to determine what can be found in a Devil’s
1-10: Nothing
11-13: Bones
14-16: Mundane Armor/Weapon(s)
17-19: 1d30+10 gold
20: Ancient Relic, Message in a Bottle, Plot Device…
Devil’s Seaweeds are un-dead, and thus can be turned by
clerics. They are driven to consume all living things by primordial hatred and
can only grow when consuming life force. They will never attack anything
lifeless, unless it senses life inside. They do not need to eat, drink, or
breathe. As un-dead, they are immune to sleep, charm, and paralysis spells as
well as Will effects.
The list below details the rate at which Devil’s Seaweed
grows when life force is consumed.
Plants/Insects: Negligible
Creatures less than 1’ tall or weighing less than 5 lbs.:
5’ in 24 hours
Creatures more than 1’ tall: 5’ in 1 hour
Creatures more than 10’ tall or weighing more than 500
lbs.: 5’ in 10 secs.
When a creature is killed by the Devil’s Seaweed, its life force is automatically eaten. The above effects, however, happen gradually during the specified time. Whenever a Devil’s Seaweed grows, it heals 1d8 HD per 5’ square.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
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