"Thousand Year Old Vampire" is a solo-rpg system and a perfect opportunity to explore history and tragedy. Your character starts off like any human, from any time in history, and is afflicted with a curse (or gift) and slowly becomes more monstrous while losing any vestiges of memory or humanity.
My friends have called this "the perfect road trip rpg" and can be just as much fun as a collaborative story as it is with the true solo experience.
I rattled my brain on a unique start, trying to subvert the normal Eastern Europe Count Dracula vampire tropes, and below is my favorite idea thus far. An Antarctic Explorer born at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Normally, you would start off in an earlier time of humanity, but it would be interesting to postulate on what the future past 2024 could be if good ol' Ira Soren survives that long! Feel free to use and abuse.